Saturday, April 26, 2008

A desire to post...
prompted me to scramble for the cable wire and got me connected to the net. It was only then did i realize that forget posting, it's been a year or so since i have sent a personal mail to anyone. Not that i am going to do anything about that, but it was definitely a sweet realization.A far cry from my college days when i was hooked to the net for most part of my waking hours which was about 11-12.
Time seems to have whizzed past me. Enough water has flowed through the adyar river, birds have come and gone at vedanthangal and koonthankulam, paddy ready for harvest have been rampaged in the southern districts. But there lies by blog, avoiding change, the muse still intact as ever.It has a lazy disposition lent by its creator whereby its seems to be self-content,lonely and yet happy about its existence.In its existence so far, it hasn't lent its arms to anyone except to the creation of its creator's creator.And it intends to retain that lazy demeanor waking up in fits and starts.No pretensions to glory or reform,just enjoy its existence...


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