Seeking an identity..
An amorphous entity of which we are always on the lookout for is identity.It defines the relationship between an individual and the world around him .This varies from religion, geography on one side to say coffee-drinking on the other.In reality its a mix of everything in different hues. Every action, intentional, unintentional, creates a breeding ground for identify creation ,which might end up clinging to the individual even without his cognizance.But, in most cases we create our identity.
When I created this blog, was I trying to carve my identity??Perhaps, no.The creator never wanted his blog to have a relationship to the human form that created it.The "I's" and the "Me's" in the blog could have been any "I" and any "Me".Due to certain unforeseen circumstances , this blog does conjure up a vague human form which might resemble me. Though the creators influence is always there, I want this blog to create an identity of its own.The question is how will that happen?? How can the blog detach itself from the idiosyncrasies of its creator. This would happen when the blog matures, clamors for independence forcing the creator to snap the umbilical cord between him and his blog thereby fostering a more mature relationship.
I am currently a witness to that maturity in the relationship. As I peruse through the blog, I see it attaining a form which eggs me on to look beyond my muse. "Why Tirunelveli, why not Madurai??" , it says."I lack variety.You have confined me to your parochial tastes and views. Give me a life. A life ridden with the ironies and vicissitudes of existence", it laments.
Yes.. my dear. Your plea has been heard . Your creator is willing to look beyond. It's not a huge leap, but definitely a way forward.You have grown from an Infant to a child. Your needs have changed and you seek a broader outlook.Madurai!! Hear me Coming!!!
An amorphous entity of which we are always on the lookout for is identity.It defines the relationship between an individual and the world around him .This varies from religion, geography on one side to say coffee-drinking on the other.In reality its a mix of everything in different hues. Every action, intentional, unintentional, creates a breeding ground for identify creation ,which might end up clinging to the individual even without his cognizance.But, in most cases we create our identity.
When I created this blog, was I trying to carve my identity??Perhaps, no.The creator never wanted his blog to have a relationship to the human form that created it.The "I's" and the "Me's" in the blog could have been any "I" and any "Me".Due to certain unforeseen circumstances , this blog does conjure up a vague human form which might resemble me. Though the creators influence is always there, I want this blog to create an identity of its own.The question is how will that happen?? How can the blog detach itself from the idiosyncrasies of its creator. This would happen when the blog matures, clamors for independence forcing the creator to snap the umbilical cord between him and his blog thereby fostering a more mature relationship.
I am currently a witness to that maturity in the relationship. As I peruse through the blog, I see it attaining a form which eggs me on to look beyond my muse. "Why Tirunelveli, why not Madurai??" , it says."I lack variety.You have confined me to your parochial tastes and views. Give me a life. A life ridden with the ironies and vicissitudes of existence", it laments.
Yes.. my dear. Your plea has been heard . Your creator is willing to look beyond. It's not a huge leap, but definitely a way forward.You have grown from an Infant to a child. Your needs have changed and you seek a broader outlook.Madurai!! Hear me Coming!!!