Saturday, September 09, 2006

"You are a pessimist", they say.Yeah ,i am one. I am a strong beleiver in fatalism,a state of mind which allows u to keep urself in control when things are falling apart."Why this self-denial", they say.I have no answer to that.But a deeper insight into my behavior has revealed to me sth.Every action of ours is a function of our state of mind.This state is transcient in nature.The future state of mind is a function of the present state of mind plus certain actions which in turn has some correlation to the present state of mind.An equation could do better justice to the job.

f(state)-Future state of mind
p(state)-Present state of mind

f(state)= p(state) + delta (delta = some wierd function of p(state))

What shapes our f(state) is the delta.If the delta (a weird function)gets too predictable by being highly correlated with p(state) , we have a case of continuous reinforcement of p(state) into the future.This delta is higly influenced by the people we interact with,books that we read,n information which keeps bombarding us every now n then.A filter in our minds can filter out the information we do not need.This ability to filter again is a function of the present state of mind.An open mind which is not higly correlated with the the present state can assimilate all sort of information into delta and enable a change in the future state.
An example could explain this better.

There was a time when i was a leftist to the core.My views on the same has changed over a period of time.I have ceased to beleive in the idea of "revolution" , being a solution to the problems plaguing our society.Further, despite being an anti-globalist, i do agree with certain tenets of capitalism in its theoritical form.This was possible due to the "delta" factor in the equation.An open mind on the same has made me appreciate other ideas and change my future state of mind.An open mind is a "Confused Workshop". This is indeed true ,for the simple reason that the open mind always knows, that the future state of mind could be very different from the present ,leading to a very fluid state of mind ,which we call confused.
This could be applied to all aspects of life from views on marriage to choice of films.
The greatest challenge is determine what to filter and what not to , a judgement better left to the individual.Jus sit dn n relax, most things in our life will fit into this equation.


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