"Coffee Houser Sei Addata"
The smoke is alluring. You get gravitated towards it to look at what exactly is in there. You wonder whether the place has been set on fire. You realize it indeed is. The smoke is a by-product of a fiery conversation aided by that intellectual's muse, the cigar, the cigarette or the sutta. The bearded guys, the jholawalas, the nattily dressed, the totally lost , the perfect strangers, all engrossed in what they believe are existential issues. That includes a judgement on Hitler's judgement when he invaded Russia. Well.. this has to be Calcutta and it has to be Coffee House at the College Street. For an Indian Coffee House fan, it was like visiting 221 Baker Street. Took a sweet spot and got immersed in other's adda.
By the way, for the uninitiated, Adda is a state of mind where more than 2 individuals indulge in existential discussions (such as the one mentioned above) aided by smoke. In such a state, individuals transcend conventional existential boundaries and reach an existential state that could be achieved only by a time machine. As intellectualism oozles , it takes the form of smoke that a non-intellectual could partake of to become an intellectual. It is precisely for this reason that you may find a soul sitting at a sweet spot, sipping coffee, partaking all that is on offer in a hope to give a best shot at intellectualism. Intellectualism that found expression today....